Domain transfers
Transferring your domain name to TransIP
Who are Key-Systems GmbH and why are they transferring my domain?
How can I obtain an authorization code, EPP code or token from my domain from TransIP?
How can I transfer my domain if it is locked?
What should I do if my current registrar is rejecting to transfer a domain to TransIP?
Obtaining a domain from another owner
Transferring a .UK domain name
Why do I get the message 'Command failed; Could not find enough contact information'?
How do I prevent my domain from being transferred elsewhere?
Transferring a domain name between TransIP accounts
What should I do if my domain is illegally transferred?
What does the message "Authorization failed; wrong auth code' mean to my transfer?
Will the DNS settings of my domain remain intact after a domain transfer?
I can't transfer my gTLD domain