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    How do I prevent my domain from being transferred elsewhere?

    By requesting a Domain Lock, it will be impossible for third parties to transfer your domain elsewhere. This will prevent your domain from being hijacked. We would advise you to use a Domain Lock where possible.

    The following domains support Domain Locking: .com .net .org .info .biz .name .be .ag .bz .cc .in .la .pl .sc .tk .tv .tw .us and .mobi.

    To request a Domain Lock from your Control Panel, follow the steps below:


    Step 1

    Log in to your controlepaneel, navigate to 'Domain' and click your domain name on the left.


    Step 2

    Scroll down and click 'Enable' behind 'Transferlock'.

    domain transferlock


    Should you have any questions left regarding this article, do not hesitate to contact our support department. You can reach them via the ‘Contact Us’ button at the bottom of this page.



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