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    How do I forward my domain name?

    In your control panel you can set up which website you wish to forward your domain name to. For example you can forward a domain name with a different tld like to That way your visitors will always get to the right website. You can forward your domain name to any other existing domain name. For example, you can forward your personal domain name to your LinkedIn profile!

    Apart from the forwarding service it is of course also possible to select a webhosting package if you wish to set up a website instead of forwarding your domain name. You can forward your website using an .htaccess file. Read the article 'Redirect your website using .htaccess' for more information.

    Adding a Forwarding Service to your domain name

    Step 1

    Visit the productpage of our Forwarding Service and click on 'Order'.

    Step 2

    On the next page you can choose to register or transfer a new domain name, or choose an existing domain name at TransIP.

    Read the article 'Transferring your domain name to TransIP' for more information on requesting a transfer.

    Step 3

    As soon as you've completed the order, the domain name and the Forwarding Service will be active in your control panel under 'Domain'. This process may take several minutes, refresh the page until the domain name and Forwarding Service are visible.

    Various forwarding methods

    You can forward your domain name in various ways, such as for example a 301 header, a 302 header and in a frame. A step by step explanation on how to set up your Forwarding service can be found in this article: 'Forwarding your domain name'.

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