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    I want to use your SMTP (relay)server on my VPS

    We do NOT offer a standalone SMTP (relay-)server which can be used by your VPS without any form of authentication. We did offer such a service in the past (, but because it was frequently misused for sending spam we had to suspend this service. It's IP were often blacklisted which caused issues for all other users as well.

    If you want to send mail from your BladeVPS, you have 3 options:

    • You can set up your own mailserver on the VPS. Please note that in order to successfully send mail, you will need to set up things such as reverse DNS and SPF-records for the specific domains. See this information on the requirements that Hotmail & Gmail have for mailserver configuration.
    • You can use the VPS mailservice. While this is basically also an external SMTP (relay-)server which can be used, it does require several forms of authentication before being used.
    • Of course you can always use a remote SMTP-server or an external relay-server to send your mail through.

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