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    How do I configure Exchange on my BladeVPS to start using your mail service?

    On our VPS's you can always use our mail service free of charge, also referred to as 'Carefree Mailing'. With this service you will use our mail services to relay outgoing e-mail. In order to use the mail service, a one-time configuration of Exchange on your VPS is required.

    When using the mail service you will no longer have to worry about mails being delivered in the spamfolder due to incorrect reverse DNS or SPF-records, or because a blacklist is blocking mails from your IP-address.

    To successfully set this up you will need to perform some configuration changes on your VPS to make sure your VPS and domains are properly authenticated for the use of our platform.

    The easiest method for configuring the mail service is using the wizard in the control panel. Click here to immediately be taken to the wizard.

    Configuring Exchange manually

    Use these steps if you're not using the wizard. First, consult this article if you haven't already, in order to retrieve your username and password, as well as to configure the required DNS records for your domain. Then, follow the steps below in your VPS-console or using RDP.

    1. Go to the Microsoft Exchange Admin Center (typically https://[CASServerName]/ecp) and sign in as a user who is part of the Exchange Administrators group.
    2. From the left menu, click Mail Flow.
    3. Click Send Connectors.
    4. Click the plus sign.
    5. Enter a name for the Send Connector (for example, TransIP).
    6. Under Type, select Internet.
    7. Click Next.
    8. Select Route mail through smart hosts.
    9. Click the plus sign and then enter
    10. Click Save. The endpoint you entered will appear in the SMART HOST box.
    11. Click Next.
    12. Select Basic authentication, then select Offer basic authentication only after starting TLS and then enter the user name and password you received from us for the mail service. The username and the password can be found in the control panel under ' Manage Your Mail Service' > 'Username & Password'.
    13. Click Next.
    14. Select the plus sign.
    15. Verify that 'Type' is SMTP, 'FQDN is *, and 'Cost' is 1.
    16. Select Save and then select Next.
    17. Click the plus sign.
    18. Select all transport servers you would like to apply this rule to and click Add. When you have added all the servers you want to send email through out platform, click Ok.
    19. Verify that the servers are added and then click Finish.
    20. You should now see a send connector for TransIP with an enabled status. All outbound mail will now be send through our mail platform.
    21. Should you experience issues with sending mail, check if the port is correctly set on 587. Our platform can not be used via port 25. Use the PowerShell to set the port via "Set-SendConnector “TransIP” -port 587".

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