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    Why are the outbound mailports of my VPS blocked?

    With the introduction of our mail service (which every BladeVPS user can use free of charge) there have also been other measures implemented to reduce the amount of spam being sent from our network. A part of this is the default blockade of the outgoing mail ports 25 (SMTP), 465 (SSL) and 587 (TLS) for every new VPS.

    Unfortunately a trend has started in which mailproviders and blacklists block a complete /24 or even larger ranges when an IP located in that range has send an 'unwanted' mail. Examples of these providers are SpamCannibal, SpamRats and the Microsoft network. To keep the reputation of our network as optimal as possible, we block the outgoing mail ports by default.

    Should you want to keep full control of mailing from your own VPS, for example because you want to send a lot (more than 1000) of mails each day, this is still possible. You can find more information regarding the opening of your mail ports here.

    Please note! When the mail ports of your VPS have been opened, incoming abuse reports for your IP-address may result in a reinstatement of the blockade.

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