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    Which (ISO-)certificates does your datacenter possess?

    Our datacenter has a number of different certifications which can also be found on the website of our datacenter:

    Below an overview of all the current certificates owned by NorthC (at the time of writing):

    • ISO 9001 (quality management)
    • ISO 27001 (security)
    • ISO 14001 (MVO)
    • NEN 7510 (information security)
    • PCI DSS (financial transaction security)
    • ISAE 3402 (outsourcing standard)

    Dataplace Alblasserdam owns the following certificates:

    • ISO 9001 (kwaliteitsmanagement)
    • ISO 14001 (MVO)
    • ISO 22301 (business continuity)
    • ISO 27001 (beveiliging)
    • ISO 50001 (energy management)
    • NCP Borg class 4 (access security)
    • ISAE 3402 type 2 (outsourcing standard)

    TransIP itself owns ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and NEN 7510, which can be found on our website. The certificates for our datacenters can be downloaded from their respective websites.


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