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    Using an SSL certificate on a VPS

    When applying for an SSL certificate, a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) is automatically created based on the WHOIS data from your domain. CSR is a piece of coded text containing information about the required certificate. The SSL certificate is issued with a passphrase (i.e. a sort of password). This passphrase is displayed during the ordering process and must be written down or saved.

    If you want to use the Private Key on your VPS or server, you first have to remove the passphrase from the Private Key. Make sure to check with the party where you purchased the certificate how to do this.

    Installing your SSL certificate

    Below is an overview of the various manuals we have for installing a Comodo / Let's Encrypt SSL certificate:


    Should you have any questions left regarding this article, do not hesitate to contact our support department. You can reach them via the ‘Contact Us’ button at the bottom of this page.


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