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    What is Plesk?

    Plesk is a graphic web-based hosting control panel which makes creating and managing websites on your VPS much easier. Websites can easily be created and managed with Plesk and it is, for example, easy to create a website or FTP user.

    Plesk from TransIP always comes installed with CentOS 7 as the underlying OS.

    Power User view vs Service Provider view

    Plesk offers several different options to display the interface of Plesk. The most common are the 'Power User view' and 'Service Provider view'.

    For our knowledgebase articles we use the 'Power User view' (unless otherwise stated). In Plesk you can switch between both at any time under 'Tools & Services'> 'Interface Management'.

    Plesk Power User view

    The Power User view is intended to provide a simple interface for managing websites, email accounts and other services. The screenshot below is an example of the appearance of the Power User view.

    plesk websites and domains

    Plesk Service Provider view

    This option is intended to make a more sophisticated distinction between administrators, resellers and users. The Service Provider view comes with a system to automatically invoice customers. The screenshot below is an example of the appearance of the Service Provider view.

    plesk service provider view

    Take a look at our Plesk tutorial series or Plesk page for more information on Plesk.

    Should you have any questions left regarding this article, do not hesitate to contact our support department. You can reach them via the ‘Contact Us’ button at the bottom of this page.


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