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    How long does it take for an order to be processed?

    The delivery of your order depends on the type of services you have ordered. In this article you will read more about the processing time of services ordered at TransIP.

    • Please note: For security reasons, some orders are checked manually. We will always inform you by email if an order cannot (yet) be delivered.
    • Even though you can order multiple different domain names at once, keep in mind that domain names are unique and cannot be registered more than once. You can also order a maximum of one web hosting package to a single domain name.

      If you have accidentally ordered a single domain name or web hosting package twice, our system will immediately recognize this and change it into a single order.
    • Other services, such as a VPS and VPS Addons, can be ordered mutliple times. If you have accidentally ordered more services than you initially required, please contact our support department via the 'Contact us' button at the bottom of this page. They will check whether the order you placed can be adjusted.

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