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    What is Traefik for Kubernetes?

    Traefik is a modern and dynamic reverse proxy and load balancer that is often used in Kubernetes environments to route traffic between services within a Kubernetes cluster. It is designed to be highly scalable and flexible, making it a popular choice for managing Kubernetes ingress traffic.

    Traefik is built on popular open-source technologies such as Go, Docker, and Kubernetes and offers a range of features such as automatic discovery of services, automatic management of SSL certificates (e.g. for issuing Let's Encrypt certificates), and integration with various providers for service discovery and load balancing.

    Traefik is a popular open-source reverse proxy and load balancer, designed for microservices and containerized applications. It can automatically discover the services running in a Kubernetes cluster and route traffic to these services using various load balancing algorithms. In our tutorial 'using Traefik with Kubernetes', we show you how to install and configure Traefik on a Kubernetes cluster.

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