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    Which additional information is necessary for a .scot domain name?

    For the registration or transfer of .scot domain names extra information is required in addition to the standard information. The additional information that (the registry for .scot domain names) requires is:

    • Intended use


    The screen for the additional information looks like this:

    additional data registration transfer .scot domain


    Intended Use

    The registry wants a short English explanation in which you clarify for which purpose you will use the domain name. Make sure to add this short explanation here, for example: 'This domain will be used as an example in a Knowledge Base article.'

    In this article we explained which additional information is required when you register or transfer a .scot domain name.

    If you have any questions regarding this article, do not hesitate to contact our support team. You can reach them using the 'Contact us' button below or the 'Contact' button in your control panel.

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