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    What is the Trustee Service add-on?

    Some domain extensions require a local presence of the registrant as an additional requirement for registration. The Trustee Service is an add-on that allows for registering a domain name if you do not meet this requirement for a specific region or country. It uses a physical address of a trusted legal person in the registrant details to comply with the rules of the registry. This applies to the following extensions:

    • .de domain names require the address in the registrant or administrative details to be located in the European Union.
    • .fr domain names require the address in the registrant and administrative details to be located within the European Union.
    • .it domain names require the address in the registrant details to be located within the European Union.


    For every new domain registration or change in the registrant details of an existing domain, we automatically check the address location to determine whether a Trustee Service is needed. If this is the case, a separate contract will be drafted for the service and you will be notified for approval accordingly.


    For more information on the specific extensions please see:

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