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    My domain can not be reached

    We strive to make the use of our services as easy as possible without experiencing (technical) problems. In this article we provide an overview of articles that you can use when you happen to get stuck somewhere regarding your domain. For example, when it is inaccessible or does not fuction the way you expect it to.

    Knowledge Base articles

    Below you will find an overview of Knowledge Base articles that can help you solve the problem you are experiencing with your domain name.

    Domain registrations

    It may happen that the domain name you want to register is already taken. On the other hand, the registry of your domain extension may require additional infomration before you can register the domain. In the article 'Registering a domain at TransIP' we explain how to succesfully register a domain name with us.

    If you cannot find the solution in the article above, you may find it in the following articles:

    Domain transfers

    Having different extensions means there are various situations when transferring a domain name. In the following articles you can find more information about domain transfers to and from TransIP:

    DNS and nameservers

    Should you experience problems entering DNS records or name servers, visit the following articles for more information:

    Different solutions


    The solution is not in the Knowledge Base

    If you can not find the solution, it is important that we receive as much information as possible so that we can investigate the problem for you. We would therefore like to ask you to send a message to our support team with the following information:

    • Which domain name is it?
    • What problem are you experiencing?
    • Please include some screenshots of the steps you followed and/or error messages you encounter.
    • What steps did you go through to try to resolve the issue?

    Based on this information we may be able to provide you with more information.

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