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    What is DirectAdmin?

    DirectAdmin is a graphic web-based hosting control panel which makes it easier to manage websites on your VPS.

    Admin Level, Reseller Level and User Level

    When you log in as admin, you are greeted by the screen below.

    You may notice that there are three different options at the top right under 'Access Level': Admin Level, Reseller Level and User Level.

    • Admin Level: An administrator has access to all three levels.
    • Reseller Level: A reseller has access to the Reseller Level, and User Level
    • User Level: A user only has access to the User Level. An overview of the features that are offered at these different levels can be found here or view the demo.

    DirectAdmin admin level

    Supported OSs

    The following OS versions are currently supported by DirectAdmin:

    • CentOS: 5.X, 6.x, 7.x
    • FreeBSD: 9.x, 11.x
    • Debian: 7.X, 8.X, 9.X
    • Ubuntu: Is derived from Debian and is supported from 12.04

    We currently offer DirectAdmin to our VPS customers as a pre-installed image in combination with CentOS 7. For more information, see: VPS DirectAdmin

    Also see the links below for more information on using DirectAdmin:


    Should you have any questions left regarding this article, do not hesitate to contact our support department. You can reach them via the ‘Contact Us’ button at the bottom of this page.

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