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    What is Big Storage?

    Big Storage is our data-storage platform on which you can have up to 400TB (40TB x 10) of extra storage space added to your VPS. You can view Big Storage as an extra (external) harddisk which you can connect to your server and which you can use for the storage of a large quantity of data such as images and videos. Or for example the back-ups of your VPS services. Because Big Storage uses (Enterprise grade) HDD-disks and not the SSD's that the regular storage uses, the write- and read-speeds of this disk will be somewhat lower.

    Can I add Big Storage to more than one VPS?
    You can add your Big Storage disk to only 1 VPS at the time via the control panel. If you want to make the Big Storage available for other VPS's you possess, you could for example use NFS (Network File System) to do this. 1 VPS can have a maximum of 10 Big Storage disks attached to it (with a total of 400TB).

    Is my total data traffic being deducted for traffic between my VPS and Big Storage?
    No, traffic between Big Storage and your VPS is not included in the data traffic of your VPS. You can transfer as many data between the VPS and the Big Storage as you like.

    Can I still increase the size of my Big Storage disk after the initial order?
    Yes, you can always increase / grow the disk-space of your Big Storage on a later date.

    Please note! Not every filesystem / OS supports disks larger than 2TB. A good example for this is Windows Server which uses the 'MBR' (Master Boot Record) partitioning by default. This has a limit that only supports a maximum of 2TB and if you upgrade your disk to 4TB it will not be activated / available properly by the OS. If you use GPT (GUID Partition Table) instead of MBR this problem will not arise. See for a detailed overview of the differences between MBR and GPT.

    More information about attaching your Big Storage disk to a VPS with Windows Server can be found here , for a VPS using a Linux-based OS you can find more information here.

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