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    TransIP API: creating automatic VPS snapshots

    In this guide, we will show you how to use the TransIP REST API via a PHP script and a cronjob to automatically create snapshots of a VPS at a fixed time.

    For the steps in this guide, it is important that the API is enabled in your control panel.


    Step 1

    Open/create a PHP script in which you set up the automatic snapshots, for example:

    nano ~/snapshot.php


    Step 2

    Give the script the content below. Click on 'Explanation' below the code for further explanation of this setup.

    Note: The script only checks if there are snapshots with the name you specify behind 'SNAPSHOT_DESCRIPTION'. This prevents other snapshots with different descriptions from being deleted if you use two or more snapshots. If you use one snapshot before running this script and it has a different description than the value of 'SNAPSHOT_DESCRIPTION', delete it first before running this script.

    require_once(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
    use Transip\Api\Library\TransipAPI;
    use Transip\Api\Library\Entity\Vps;
    use Transip\Api\Library\Entity\Vps\Snapshot;
    class vpsAutoSnapshot
        private const TRANSIP_LOGIN = 'youraccount';
        private const TRANSIP_PRIVATE_KEY = '';
        private const VPS_NAME = 'youraccount-vps';
        private const SNAPSHOT_DESCRIPTION = 'auto_snapshot';
         * @var TransipAPI
        private $transipApi;
        public function __construct()
                $this->transipApi = new TransipAPI(
        public function run(): void
            if ($this->vpsIsLocked(self::VPS_NAME)) {
                return; // vps is locked, don't continue
            $snapshot = $this->getSnapshotByDescription(self::VPS_NAME, self::SNAPSHOT_DESCRIPTION);
            if ($snapshot !== null) {
                $this->transipApi->vpsSnapshots()->deleteSnapshot(self::VPS_NAME, $snapshot->getName());
            $this->transipApi->vpsSnapshots()->createSnapshot(self::VPS_NAME, self::SNAPSHOT_DESCRIPTION);
        private function vpsIsLocked(string $vpsName): bool
            $vps = $this->transipApi->vps()->getByName($vpsName);
            return ($vps->isCustomerLocked() || $vps->isLocked());
        private function getSnapshotByDescription(string $vpsName, string $snapshotDescription): ?Snapshot
            $snapshots = $this->transipApi->vpsSnapshots()->getByVpsName($vpsName);
            foreach ($snapshots as $snapshot) {
                if ($snapshot->getDescription() == $snapshotDescription) {
                    return $snapshot;
            return null;
        private function waitForVpsToUnlock(): void
            $sleepCount = 0;
            while ($this->vpsIsLocked(self::VPS_NAME)) {
                if ($sleepCount > 10) {
                    throw new \RuntimeException('Try out threshold reached, VPS has been locked for more than 2 minutes');
    (new vpsAutoSnapshot)->run();


    • Replace 'youraccount' with the name of your TransIP account.
    • Enter your private key behind TRANSIP_PRIVATE_KEY in the brackets.
    • Replace youraccount-vps with the name (not your own description) of the VPS for which you want to create a snapshot.


    • Our API examples on Gitlab are quite simple in design. In this example, we use object-oriented programming. The ins and outs of this fall outside the scope of this guide.
    • The class vpsAutoSnapshot handles the automatic creation of snapshots. It is structured from top to bottom in the following parts:
      • various constants where your TransIP account name, API key, the desired VPS, and the name of the snapshot are specified
      • __construct creates a connection to the Rest-API. The available options you can provide can be found here.
      • The 'run' function creates the snapshot. For this, several functions are called which are defined under the 'run' function:
      • vpsIsLocked: checks if you have set a lock on your VPS, or if a process is running in the background that prevents a snapshot from being created now. For example, you could extend this by waiting a maximum of 2 minutes first to see if, in case of a temporary process, it can continue after 2 minutes, see waitForVpsToUnlock below.
      • getSnapshotByDescription: retrieves all snapshots of your VPS. Then, any existing snapshot is deleted via deleteSnapshot, waited via waitForVpsToUnlock until the existing snapshot is deleted, and finally a new snapshot is created with CreateSnapshot.
      • In the sections starting with 'private function,' the functions described above are defined.


    Step 3

    Open crontab with the command:

    crontab -e


    Step 4

    Add the line below at the bottom of the crontab. Adjust the time to the desired moment when you want to create the snapshot (in this example, 1 AM every Sunday). For more information on setting up a cronjob, see this guide.

    * 1 * * 0 ~/snapshot.php

    Save the changes and close crontab (ctrl + > > enter, or :wq! depending on the editor you use).


    That brings us to the end of this guide for automatically creating snapshots for VPSes.

    If you have any questions based on this guide, do not hesitate to contact our support department. You can reach them via the ' Contact us' button at the bottom of this page.

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