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    Updating AlmaLinux 8

    AlmaLinux uses packages that are included in repositories to manage the updates and upgrades of your AlmaLinux installation / installed software. In this tutorial, we show you how to update all packages on your AlmaLinux 8 VPS, update specific software, and update your entire OS to a newer version.

    • Connect to your VPS via SSH, or the VPS console before executing the commands below, and follow the steps as root user or use sudo
    • Restart your VPS after updating the kernel. Changes are often not processed until your server is restarted.

    Updating all software


    With the command below, you update all software in AlmaLinux 8:

    dnf -y update

    -y confirms that this process may make changes to your VPS.

    Updating specific software / packages


    Would you rather update a specific package instead of all packages? Then you'd use the command:

    dnf -y update packagename

    Replace 'packagename' with the name of the relevant package. In our article 'Installing software in AlmaLinux 8', we explain how to find out the name of packages. For a total overview of all packages use:

    Upgrading AlmaLinux 8


    Suppose you want to upgrade AlmaLinux 8, for example from 7.5 to 7.6, then this works exactly the same as updating all your software packages:

    dnf -y update

    Check the current installed version with:

    cat /etc/os-release

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