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    Price difference Windows Server between VPS and PerformanceVPS

    You can use a VPS or PerformanceVPS for your Windows Server at TransIP. The price of the Windows Server license is higher for a PerformanceVPS than for a regular VPS. This difference is in the way Microsoft calculates the price for Windows Server licenses:

    Microsoft calculates a monthly Windows Server license fee based on the total number of CPU cores of the hypervisor hosting your VPS. Our PerformanceVPSs use dedicated CPU cores, in other words: CPU cores are reserved for you. As a result, there can be fewer PerformanceVPSs on one hypervisor than with regular VPSs, where CPU cores are shared. This ensures that the costs of Windows licenses can be spread over fewer PerformanceVPSs, resulting in a higher average license price.


    That brings us to the end of this article about the difference in price of Windows Server licenses between VPSs and PerformanceVPSs.

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