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    Can I use/run any content I want on my BladeVPS?

    As all our services are located in The Netherlands you are allowed to run basically any content which is allowed by Dutch law. It is prohibited though to run scripts or services which are unsafe and insecure or can easily be abused by hackers and spammers. You are responsible for securing your VPS against any abuse.

    We highly recommend you to use security measures (for instance Fail2Ban / CSF / ClamAV) to keep your VPS in check and make sure all used software is up-to-date. For example this applies to Wordpress websites because the popularity of this CMS makes it a big target for new exploits.


    You may already own Microsoft licenses which you'd like to use on our VPS platform. In some specific cases this is indeed possible. In this article we explain which licenses you may use and how to bring them in on our platform using License Mobility. In all other cases Microsoft requires that you use our licenses.

    If you use Microsoft software which is not brought in using License Mobility, or purchased through us, then Microsoft may incur a fine during audits.

    Nested virtualization

    It is not possible to use virtualisation and use your VPS as a hypervisor (e.g. via Hyper-V, vmWare).

    The reason for this is that your VPS is hosted on our hypervisors. If you'd use virtualisation on your VPS, you'd have a hypervisor on a hypervisor (this is called nested virtualization). The performance of the VM's which your VPS would host, would be very bad (slow mostly). The virtualisatie option required for nested virtualization, is as such disabled on the underlying hypervisor which hosts your VPS.

    Cryptocurrency / bitcoin mining

    We're frequently asked if it's allowed to mine cryptocurrency on our VPS platform. Our VPSes do not have a GPU. Because of that mining is not worth it on our platform: a VPS costs more than the coins you would mine are worth. Moreover, mining puts extraordinary stress on our shared (!) platform, endangering the performance of other users' VPS's. Due to this, mining is not allowed on our platform.

    Inscure scripts / services

    A number of scripts and services are known to be insecure and can lead to immediate deactivation of a VPS, when these are found on a VPS. Below you will find scripts and services which can lead to immediate deactivation of your VPS:

    This is not a complete list as new scripts and insecure software are continuously found.

    • Habbo-hotel 'retro''
    • Torrent trackers
    • lstmrge.cgi
    • JUMultithumb
    • Matt's FormMail
    • DT_formmail (insecure PHP formmail script)
    • All scripts that give access to a shell-prompt or enable executing server commands
    • Zen Cart

    Furthermore there are services which are allowed to be run but are known to attract DDoS attacks. This forces us to take action when abuse or attacks occur. After three attacks in a short timespan we will need to permanently block your services. These may include:

    • IRC or chatscripts
    • Teamspeak or other voicechat-servers
    • Minecraft servers
    • Proxy scripts like PHPproxy and Anonymizer
    • Outdated and unsafe CMS scripts like PHPnuke and phpBB


    Should you have any questions left regarding this article, do not hesitate to contact our support department. You can reach them via the ‘Contact Us’ button at the bottom of this page.

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