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    What is fast installs for VPS?

    When you order a new VPS via our website or API, you get the option to choose an installation method for a number of operating systems (not yet available for reinstallations). We call the different options you can choose the 'fast-installs' process for VPS. Fast-installs aims to install, configure and use your new VPS as quickly and easily as possible. For this, fast-installs offer you four installation options:

    vps fast installs kies methode

    When you are logged into your TransIP account, the installation via SSH keys will be visible by default. Are you not logged in to your TransIP account? Then you will see the option to install using a one-time password. In both cases, you will arrive at the overview above via the 'Choose a different installation method' button.

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    OSs which support fast installs

    Not every operating system supports the options which we offer using the fast install process. At this time, you can use fast installs for:

    Installation using SSH keys

    Using this option you can add an SSH key during the installation process. Your operating system will then be installed with the 'minimal install' method (i.e. the bareest possible OS) and your public SSH key will be added to your VPS. More information about generating and using SSH keys can be found in this tutorial.

    Your user name is sent by email, uses no password and has root rights.

    fast installs new ssh key

    Installation using cloud-config user data

    A cloud-config file allows you to automatically adjust the configuration of a Linux server after the installation process: During the first boot of your server, a program called cloud-init reads the data in the cloud-config file and adjusts the configuration to your wishes based on this file. For example, you can create users, set passwords, add SSH keys, add repositories, install packages and much more.

    In this tutorial we show how to create a cloud-config file and use it when ordering a VPS.

    fast installs cloud config

    Installation using a one-time password

    When installing via a one-time password, a user is created during the installation process and a one-time password is set. Both the username and password are sent by email when the VPS is ready for use.

    You can connect to this VPS with this user and password via SSH, or the VPS console in your control panel. After logging in, you will be asked to change the one-time password.

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    Installing the OS manually

    With the manual installation of an operating system you go through the manual process step by step. You have complete freedom in how you want to install your operating system. This process will be familiar to users who, for example, install a Linux distro on their own computer, or have a VPS installed before the introduction of fast-installs in July 2020.

    ubuntu 18 installeren


    This brings us to the end of this article about fast-installs for VPS. If you have any questions regarding this article, do not hesitate to contact our support department. You can reach them via the 'Contact us' button at the bottom of this page.

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