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    What are containers?

    A container is a software package that bundles all the essential components (your application code, runtime, system tools, libraries, settings, and other dependencies) so it can run in any environment.

    A container does not have its own kernel but uses the kernel of the operating system (OS) that runs the container. This allows a container to run operating systems and applications that are compatible with the host's kernel. For example, if it's a Linux VPS, the container can contain Linux applications and OSes.

    A container essentially virtualizes an operating system, allowing it to run anywhere; whether it's on your computer, in the cloud, or in your own data center. Some benefits of using containers include:

    • Workload portability: Containers can run on virtually any operating system and on both virtual machines and physical hardware. This makes deploying applications simpler.
    • Lighter than a virtual machine: Containers virtualize at the OS level while virtual machines virtualize at the hardware level. This means that with a virtual machine you manage an entire operating system. With a container platform like the TransIP Kubernetes platform, you only manage the application.
    • Clearer division of tasks: Developers (like yourself) only need to focus on the application and its dependencies. Another team or party (like TransIP with our Kubernetes platform) focuses on the deployment and management of the platform.
    • Isolation of your application: Containers virtualize hardware resources (CPU, RAM, storage, network) at the OS level. This provides a much clearer view of your application's resource usage.

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