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    .lu is de domain extension of Luxembourg and is managed by the registry

    On this page you will find information about .lu domains that you register with TransIP.



    • A .lu domain may contain a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 63 characters.
    • Emojis are not available for .lu domains. However, the use of special characters/punycode is possible. A comprehensive overview of which extensions allow which special characters can be found on the website of IANA, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.
    • .lu domain registrations are annual and are automatically renewed at the end of the registration period of a year.
    • Nameservers are required to pass a nameserver check, which can be found on The TransIP nameservers meet these requirements and can therefore always be used for .lu domains you register with us.
      • If you wish to use your own nameservers, you need to make sure they meet the registry's requirements before you register a .lu domain.



    • A .lu domain is not transferred using a transfer code. Contact support using 'Contact' button in your control panel or at the bottom of this page if you wish to transfer your .lu domain to TransIP.
      • Important: When making a transfer request, an email is sent to the administrative contact. Make sure the email address of the administrative contact is correct and reachable, so you can accept the transfer.
      • The registry charges € 7,50 excl. VAT (€ 9,08 incl. VAT) per failed transfer. 



    • Changing the owner details of a .lu domain can not be done automatically, so it has to be done manually by us. You can contact us via the 'Contact us' button below. This procedure is €35,- excl. VAT (€42,34 incl. VAT).
      • Important: When making an owner change request, an email is sent to the administrative contact. Make sure the email address of the administrative contact is correct and reachable, so you can accept the owner change.
      • The registry charges € 7,50 excl. VAT (€ 9,08 incl. VAT) per failed owner change. 



    • When you cancel a .lu domain name, the domain enters a Quarantine period (also known as 'Redemption period') for 30 days. During these 30 days, the domain can still be restored. After the 30-day period, the domain becomes available for registration again.  
      • The registry charges fees for reactivating domains, which we must pass on to you.
    • You can use a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 nameservers for .lu domains.
    • Nameservers are required to pass a nameserver check, which can be found on The TransIP nameservers meet these requirements and can therefore always be used for .lu domains you register with us.
      • If you wish to use your own nameservers, you need to make sure they meet the registry's requirements before you register a .lu domain.

    Should you have any questions left regarding this article, do not hesitate to contact our support department. You can reach them via the ‘Contact us’ button at the bottom of this page.

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