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    Installing Office 2016 in Windows Server

    In this manual we'll demonstrate how to install and activate Office 2016 on your Windows VPS. For this guide we make use of Windows Server 2016 and Microsoft Office 2016 - Professional, though you can also use Microsoft Office 2016 - Standard. See this page for more information about the different versions.


    Installing Office 2016


    Step 1

    Upon starting the installation you're greeted by the screen in the screenshot below. Choose 'Customize' in order to select the components you'd like to install.

    Office 2016 installatie wizard


    Step 2

    Under 'Installation Options' select the components you'd like to install. Next click on 'File Location' in order to choose the installation directory and / or click on 'User Information' in order to change your personal installation, or click 'Install Now' to install Office 2016 immediately.

    Office 2016 installatie opties

    Step 3

    In the 'File Location' tab you can adjust the installation directory. For instance, you could choose to install Office 2016 on your Big Storage disk, provided you use Big Storage (though your c:\ would be faster).

    office 2016 installation file location

    Step 4

    Adjust your personal information and click on 'Install now'.

    Office 2016 Installation user information


    Activating Office 2016

    After installing Office 2016 it's recommended to immediately activate Office 2016. Otherwise you'll be prompted later that your Office 2016 installation has not yet been activated.


    Step 1

    Open any of the Office products and click on 'File' in the top left corner. For this manual we use Excel, but the steps are identical for all Office products.

    Excel file menu


    Step 2

    Click on 'Account' in the bottom left corner.


    Step 3

    Next you'll see a warning message indicating that Office 2016 has not yet been activated. Click on 'Change Product Key'.

    office change product key img


    Step 4

    Provide your Office 2016 license key and clcik on 'Continue'. You've now finished activating Office 2016.


    Should you have any questions left regarding this article, do not hesitate to contact our support department. You can reach us via the ‘Contact Us’ button at the bottom of this page.

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