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    Can I downgrade my VPS?

    While it is always possible to upgrade your VPS to a larger package, it's currently not technically possible to downgrade your VPS to a smaller package.

    This is due to the fact that when downgrading the package, the disk space would also be decreased. Because all data on your VPS is spread out across the available disk space and our storage solution has no exact insight in which harddrive sectors are or are not in use, removal of disk space will almost certainly lead to data corruption or data loss. This is regardless of the fact if the extra space has already been partitioned or not.

    Should you like to use a smaller VPS, you can order a new VPS and (manually) transfer all data from the current VPS to the newer, smaller server. When all data has been successfully transferred, you can cancel the current VPS via the control panel. Please note: it is not possible to transfer your IP to a new VPS.

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