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    Internet Explorer will no longer be supported

    Our support for Internet Explorer 11 (and earlier versions) will soon stop. A very low percentage of our visitors still use this web browser. Also, Internet Explorer entails more and more technical limitations and time-consuming work for our developers.

    After stopping the support, it is still possible to visit our website with this web browser, but new functionalities may no longer work (fully).

    Bugs or errors

    We will ignore reports of bugs for Internet Explorer, as long as it does not endanger the safety of the visitor.

    Modern techniques

    Since Microsoft launched their new web browser called Edge, Internet Explorer 11 has not received major updates or support for the many modern web standards. These standards are necessary to improve the user experience and performance of our website. Besides, they offer us the possibility to implement improvements and innovations faster. You do not take advantage of these important benefits if you continue to use Internet Explorer.

    Therefore, we strongly recommend that you use a different, more modern web browser.

    Download a modern web browser

    A list of modern web browsers for Windows that we do support:

    Google Chrome
    Always the newest features. Also the standard browser on Android phones.

    Mozilla Firefox
    Open source and privacy oriented. Online security is Firefox's top priority.

    Microsoft Edge
    The fast and official successor to Internet Explorer.

    A good choice if you want to use the same browser on all your devices and operating systems. Also works well with a slower internet connection.

    An alternative to Google Chrome that you can adjust to your own liking.

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