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    Why is my VPS running in 'read-only' mode?

    • Cause: unstable connection between Storage- and Bladeserver.
    • Result: root filesystem readonly and DMA time-outs. VPS is practically unreachable but still reachable through the terminal in your control panel.
    • Fix: force the file system to not enable readonly mode. This can be done in the file /etc/fstab

    By default (depending on the used distribution) it is set to errors=remount-ro. By changing this to errors=continue you prevent this issue from occurring. If your configuration is set to defaults we also advise you to change it to errors=continue. The entry in /etc/fstab looks as follows:

     # / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
    UUID=0bd87d9b /               ext3    errors=remount-ro 0       1

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