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    Which Plesk editions do you offer?

    TransIP offers two different Plesk editions for your VPS: Web Host & Web Pro.

    You may wonder which of these editions you need. Both editions have almost the same features, including the WordPress Toolkit and Subscription Management. The differences between these editions are the price, number of domains you can add (subdomains don't count), and whether the reseller management option is available or not.


    Plesk editions


    You'll find the Plesk edition that you are currently using in your control panel on your VPS page under the name of your VPS, and in the overview of your services.


    transip cp downgrade plesk


    If you upgrade or downgrade your Plesk-edition, billing is automatically adjusted so that you do not receive double invoices.


    Should you have any questions left regarding this article, do not hesitate to contact our support department. You can reach them via the ‘Contact Us’ button at the bottom of this page.



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